Ozo Osahon Michael

Executive Director/Founder

He is one of Nigeria’s young Sexual Minority Health and Rights Advocate and possesses a bachelor’s degree in Applied Biochemistry from Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Anambra, State, Nigeria. He has acquired experience in the Non-Governmental sector as a volunteer and Intern for over six years in the area of Health and Rights Advocacy, Peer Outreach work, Mobile HCT work, Home-based care services with organizations like The Initiative For Equal Rights (TIER), Centre For the Right to Health (CRH) Population Council (PC), Queer Alliance, Nigeria (QA).His passion to help bring about possible solutions to health challenges, discrimination, and marginalization affecting sexual minorities and the Most at-risk Population has strengthened his capacity as an aspiring leader in Sexual Health and Rights Advocacy in Nigeria. Michael worked as a Peer Educator under the Global Fund Project for Most at Risk Men and also serve as a Community Mobilizer, Key Opinion Leader consultant to the Department of Defence Funded Walter Reed Research Project for Most at Risk Men under the Population Council (PC) in Lagos, Nigeria. In turn, it has also given him the opportunity to partner and pitches his organization in the area of Mobile health services provided for members of the sexual minority population using a community–based approach to achieve his organization’s objectives. He is currently, The Executive Director/Founder of MSHR Nigeria